Fellow, Association for Coaching. EMCC Accredited Coach (Senior Practitioner) and Supervisor.
SO WHO AM I NOW? GROUP COACHING PROGRAMME for women discovering themselves anew after a relationship break-up. Details HERE.
I am passionate about the value of coaching to equip individuals and teams to lead at their best authentically within organisations. I have had the privilege of working with clients at all levels in a range of sectors.
Typical coaching assignments:
- Executive/leadership and management coaching to develop potential
- Leading and embedding culture change
- Transition to a new role/preparing for promotion
- Leading a team to high performance
- Increasing self-awareness to develop a more flexible leadership style or break habitual responses
- Building resilience and self-confidence, overcoming imposter syndrome
- Managing stress.
I also coach private individuals who are going through transition or want to improve aspects of their personal or professional lives.
Coaching can be online or face-to-face (in Sussex).
Outdoor Coaching

Where appropriate, I may invite a client to work outdoors; the natural environment can provide a powerful space for unsticking blocks and developing inner resourcefulness. This may be, for example, walking near their office in a London park or from my West Sussex base onto the South Downs. I offer a range of techniques to stimulate fresh insights including mindfulness and working creatively with the bountiful natural resources around us. In my experience, outdoor coaching often generates accelerated results as the natural environment invites new perspectives and the space to stop and really notice.
Catherine Gorham, September 2016